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Part 3 is still a work-in-progress, with a demo featuring Gold Port, Port Natalia, Chrome's Mansion, Grand Noah City, and Succubus Village, as well as a second visit to Undine's Spring and the Pyramid. The player will be able to redo the Luka quest with his angel skills and the possibility of changing the future.Ĭurrently, Part 1 and Part 2 are out, which covers the Ilias Continent and getting the Four Spirits back, respectively. It has no relation to New Game+ created by SpasMaran in this version, Luka retains all his abilities from Chapter 3 as well as his memories, but is of course sent back to the start of the game. Monster Girl Quest: NG+ is a Full Patch Mod created by Ecstasy. Includes a party system, some new fights and several gameplay tweaks. With his knowledge of everything that's happened, he will be able to do things differently this time. All he can do now is go on the same quest again, to try and achieve his goal again and find out what happened to him.

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However, everything else he has done appears to have never happened, with characters like Alice not recognizing him. In it, Luka is back at the start of the game, retaining both his skills from part 3 and his memories from the end of it. This is a new NG+ mod with no relation to the one by SpasMaran. Template:CH3 spoiler random Monster Girl Quest: NG+.

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